dr. Ewa Łabno-Falęcka Director of Communications and External Relations, Mercedes-Benz – philologist by education, studied in Krakow (UJ), Berlin (Humboldt University) and Freiburg im Breisgau, PhD at Karls-Eberhard University in Tübingen (Germany). From 1993 to 1999 in the diplomatic service as cultural policy counselor at the Polish Embassy in Bonn. Since 1999, she has been associated with Mercedes-Benz Group AG in Poland, where she held various positions, including as director of Daimler AG’s Corporate Representative Office. corporate and product communications at Mercedes-Benz Poland, and since 2015, coordinator of negotiations for Mercedes investments in Poland. She has a social activist’s passion: she was co-founder and president of the Partnership for Road Safety Association under the auspices of the World Bank (2006-2010) and the Society of Friends of the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw (2008-2012). Mentor at the EY Foundation of Business Women Leaders, member of the Brand Council of SUPERBRANDS Poland. Winner of many industry awards, including Golden Arrows, PRotons, twice “Marketing Director of the Year” in the MediaRun competition; twice nominated for the European Excellence Award; winner of the Grand Prix in the “Businesswoman of the Year” competition in the “Corporation” category (2017). Awarded the departmental badge “Meritorious for Transport of the Republic of Poland” (2011), the Cross of Merit on the Ribbon of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (2019) and “Meritorious for the Economy of the Republic of Poland” (2023). She comments on economic topics in the media (including DGP, HBR and TOK FM)